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Information Architecture Projects
The Issue

The Issue

The Issue is a publication to inform, inspire, and celebrate the work being created at and for member publications. In this digital publication the 2communiqué team collaborates with our content creation partners to develop articles, illustrations, photography, animation, and video to push the boundaries of what a publication can be and to take advantage of the digital medium. Each article is art directed to accurately merge the written and visual communication and to also develop a unique interactive experience.

St. Mark’s Admission Campaign

St. Mark’s Admission Campaign

What do a 14-year-old and 40-year-old have in common? Not much. Then why are enrollment communications created to speak to both segments simultaneously? Rethinking this traditional approach was the foundation for the…

Mobile App Prototype

Mobile App Prototype

Fake it until you make it or prototype it until you develop it. Create a seamless user experience exemplified through a…