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Album Cover Design
Research a soundscape of your choosing. Create a design system of typography, color, image treatment, and graphic elements based on the essence of the soundscape. Write unique text for the artist name, album title, and song titles. Update all the extra important text credits and verbiage. Design the outer jacket with a die-cut, inner sleeve, record label, hype sticker, and a unique disc shape to be cut on the laser cutter. Put it all together in a grab-your-attention head-banging dance-the-night-away hands-on tactile vinyl record packaging.
MegaTyposaurus Rex
Research cityscapes, landscapes, and waterscapes of the assigned continent. Apply extrusion, focus, overlap, perspective, scale, shadow, and transparency to the word that describes the environment to enhance the three-dimensional space in the photograph. Make the type an object.
The Issue
The Issue is a publication to inform, inspire, and celebrate the work being created at and for member publications. In this digital publication the 2communiqué team collaborates with our content creation partners to develop articles, illustrations, photography, animation, and video to push the boundaries of what a publication can be and to take advantage of the digital medium. Each article is art directed to accurately merge the written and visual communication and to also develop a unique interactive experience.
Solipsistic Word
Select a word that implies movement. Communicate the meaning the word using only the letters in the word and motion design principles. Explore motion, speed, duration, and ease.
Experimental Type Book
As David Carson said “Don’t confuse legibility with communication.†Push the legibility of text in a sequential project. Explore expressive typography within…
Type Transfer Lasercuts
The original type transfers were created as an experiment of randomness, play, and response. The laser cuts further explore those aspects of process in the digital environment. The digital tools provide opportunities to…
Polatype Transfers
What do we gain and lose as a result of new technologies is always a question that follows innovation. Do we like the Polaroid film because of the materiality of it or because it reminds us of a part of our history or because it’s instant? The Polatype Transfers is an experiment of…